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From Our BRT Community...

Do you have a Big Rack Trophy Story? 

Email us with the subject "My BRT" with your photo and your story and you could be featured on our page too!

"This was my second year of using the Big Rack plots, and Secret Weapon Mineral & Attractant. I have seen a huge improvement over any other brands of products we had used in the past.  Big Rack is my #1 choice and I wouldn't use anything else."

 - Steve Marsolek / Wisc. 2010 Bow Harvest

"I have been using Big Rack Plots since 2004. It has helped me grow and harvest a once in a lifetime 20 pointer from my property. The buck grossed 197' and net 192' 7/8 Non Typical Pope and Young. It is just as the slogan goes, "If you want to grow big racks feed'em right." I'm glad to be a part of the B.R.T. team. " - Jim Wiltinger, Field Director, Whitetails Unlimited

"My friend and I planted three different blends of yours, The Ultimate Clover, Chicory Supreme, and the Fall/Winter Extreme.  I videotaped harvesting this buck on one of the food plots during the Minnesota Bow Season.  I wanted to say thanks for a great year!" - Josh Bennerotte / Minn. 2010 Bow Harvest

"There is only one thing to say - Thank Big Rack!  I use everything from the food plot blends, to the Secret Weapon Mineral & Attractant to the great Big Rack trail camera.  Your products are the best." - Tom Urbanek / Wisc. 2010 Harvest

 "I have been using Big Rack Fall/Winter Extreme food plots since 2005.  It has helped me harvest my two best bucks.  In 2008 I shot a buck that grossed 140.  In 2009 I harvested a buck with my bow that went 146 6/8 gross.  TheFall/Winter Extreme draws the deer into the plot every day. I would like to thank you for a great product." - Cory Duerkop / Wisc. 2009 Bow Harvest

"No other product has produced more than Big Rack has for me.  This buck was on my property the entire year.  The Big Rack Mineral & Attractantkept him coming all summer and the Big Rack plots kept him there during the fall.  This buck is a result of using the best products out there.  Thanks for a fantastic product!" - Kevin Camastra / Wisc. 2010 Bow Harvesr

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